This collection of pages provides information on IBM's SMS (Standard Modular System) cards. These transistorized cards were the technology behind IBM computers from the 1950s to 1970s such as the IBM 1401, IBM 1620, and IBM 7000 series.

There are thousands of different types of SMS cards. Information on them is scattered across many old documents and hard to find. I have collected information on 1450 SMS cards on these pages. Click on a card code for more information.

If you have photos or SMS documents to contribute, please contact Ken Shirriff.

Card codeDescription Part #Symbol Usage
  1YField replacement # 1 370953 2821
image of card available 2JMXCTDL NPN Two Way Gate w/ Collector Load 370144 2+AO 1410, 1401
  2YField replacement # 2 370954 2821
image of card available 3JMXCtdl pnp two way gate without collector load 370141 2-AO 1410, 1401
  3YField replacement # 3 370952 2821
image of card available 4JMXCtdl pnp two way gate with collector load 370142 2-AO 1410, 1401
  4YField replacement # 4 370951 2821
image of card available 5JXCCtrl standard cable driver 371860 1414
  5YField replacement # 5 370950 2821
image of card available 6JXDCTDL Standard Cable Driver 370089 +ADL 1401
  6YField replacement # 6 370955 2821
  AATwo-Way AND (no loads) 371207 +A 7090, 7070, 7030
image of card available AAFAlloy-Universal Delay Circuit 371884 DLY 1401
image of card available AAG
  AAPAlloy – Oscillator 10.0 KC Free Running (Crystal) 371930 OSC 7090, 7030
image of card available AAY
image of card available AAZUTwo-Way AND (out-of-phase load) 371206 +A 7030, 7090, 7070, 729II
  AAZVTwo-Way AND (in-phase load) 371205 +A 7030, 7090, 7070, 729II
image of card available AAZWTwo-Way AND (both loads) 371204 +A 7030, 7090, 7070, 729II
  ABTwo-Way OR (no loads) 371216 +O 7090, 7070
image of card available ABF 371811
image of card available ABKAlloy - Pre Amp No 2 Magnetic Tape 371926 7090, 7030
image of card available ABNAlloy - functional coil driver - 750 ma 370126 1410, 1414, 7030
  ABPAlloy Sense Amplifier Clipping Switch 370164 7030
  ABQAlloy-Level Setter-Card #1 370166 7030
  ABRAlloy-Level Setter-Card #2 370165 7030
image of card available ABZUTwo-Way OR (out-of-phase load) 371215 +O 7090, 7070, 729II
image of card available ABZVTwo-Way OR (in-phase load) 371214 +O 7090, 7070, 729II
image of card available ABZWTwo-Way OR (both loads) 371213 +O 7090, 7070, 729II
image of card available ACE 371856
  ACHAlloy – Oscillator 6.67 KC Free Running (Crystal) 371952 OSC 7090
image of card available ACWAlloy – Preamp Number 3, Magnetic Tape 370100 7090, 729II
image of card available ACXAlloy – Preamp Number 4, Magnetic Tape 370099 7090, 729II
  ACYAlloy-Current Source 370169 IS 1622, 1620, 7030
  ACYVFour-Way AND-Block Extender 371227 E 7090, 7070
image of card available ACYWTwo-Way AND-Block Extender 371226 E 7090, 7070
  ACYXThree-Way AND (no loads) 371221 +A 7090, 7070
  ACYYThree-Way AND (out-of-phase load) 371220 +A 7090, 7070
image of card available ACYZThree-Way AND (in-phase load) 371219 +A 7090, 7070, 729II
image of card available ACZAThree-Way AND (both loads) 371218 +A 7090, 7070, 729II
  ACZFFour-Way AND (no loads) 371225 +A 7090, 7070
image of card available ACZGFour-Way AND (out-of-phase load) 371224 +A 7090, 7070
  ACZHFour-Way AND (in-phase load) 371223 +A 7090, 7070
image of card available ACZJFour-Way AND (both Loads) 371222 +A 7090, 7070
32   ADADrivers, Hammer 380063 D 7030
32 image of card available ADBAlloy-Storage Address Register 373000 1401
32 image of card available ADCL.s. power trigger twin 373316 2821, 1443
image of card available ADFDap solenoid driver 372375 DM 2821, 1401
  ADYVFour-Way OR-Block Extender 371237 E 7090, 7070
image of card available ADYWTwo-Way AND-Block Extender 371236 E 7090, 7070
  ADYXThree-Way OR (no Loads) 371231 +O 7090, 7070
image of card available ADYYThree-Way OR (out-of-phase load) 371230 +O 7090, 7070, 729II
  ADYZThree-Way OR (in-phase load) 371229 +O 7090, 7070, 729II
image of card available ADZAThree-Way OR (both loads) 371228 +O 7090, 7070, 729II
  ADZFFour-Way OR (no loads) 371235 +O 7090, 7070
image of card available ADZGFour-Way OR (out-of-phase load) 371234 +O 7090, 7070
  ADZHFour-Way OR (in-phase load) 371233 +O 7090, 7070
image of card available ADZJFour-Way OR (both loads) 371232 +O 7090, 7070
image of card available AEACTDL-Load Card 371929 L 1410, 1414, 1401
image of card available AECAlloy hammer driver latch 371940 D 1410, 1414, 1401
image of card available AEDCTDL-High Speed Trigger 371946 T 1410, 1401
  AEFSense-Final Amplifier 371947 1401
image of card available AEKSDTRL 40 ba inv mesa alloy pwr drvr 370215 1410, 1414
image of card available AELAlloy-Driver, 2, 12V 370088 1401
image of card available AEMAlloy-Switch, Decoder Number 2 370087 1401
image of card available AENAlloy-Hammer Driver Latch (High Speed) 371415 D 1410, 1414, 1401
  AERAlloy-sense amplifier number 3. 370252 1410, 1414
  AETCable filter card 370255 1410
  AEWAlloy diode card 370254 1410, 1414
image of card available AEWYN Line Complemented Emitter Follower 371238 DE 7030, 7090, 7070, 729II
  AEWZP Line Complemented Emitter Follower 371239 DE 7090, 7070, 7030
image of card available AFN Line Terminator 371242 DT 7090, 7070, 7030
image of card available AFAAlloy - Pre Amp No 1 Magnetic Tape 371925 7090, 7030
  AFBAlloy-resistor card, 3 watt 371948 R 1620, 1622
  AFCAlloy- Sense Amplifier Rectifier & Clipper 370163 7030
image of card available AFF 43910548
image of card available AFH 371648
image of card available AFRCTRL Light Driver N Type 371943 LD, DI 7030, 1311, 1622, 1620, 1626
  AGLine Driver Coupling Network 371240 R 7090, 7070
  AGDDelay line card 2.8 usec 370433 1410
  AGEVoltage divider 370431 1410
  AGJSector pulse amplifier 370457 1410
  AGK1405 file special card safety 370454 1410
  AGLSector pulse gate 370458 1410
  AGN 370438 1410
image of card available AGQ 370439
image of card available AGR 370440
  AGUDiode matrix 370490 1410
  AGVPre amplifier 370488 1410
  AGYLinear amplifier 370456 1410
  AGZClipper amplifier 370467 1410
  AHCAlloy-switches #3 370293 1410, 1414
  AHKCTRL-Inverter "N" 2 Way Extender 370322 I, A, O 1311, 1620
  AHSAlloy clutch magnet driver 370336 DCM 1620, 1622
  AHTAlloy Punch Magnet Driver 370337 DPM 1620, 1622
  AHUCtrl pnp exclusive or 370386 V 1620
  AJDAlloy brush driver driver 370260 1410, 1414
  AJFDiode clamp card 370414 1410, 1414
image of card available AJHPower Supply Sequencing 370429 -6S, +6S, -12S 1401
  AJSCtrl-sdtrl contact filter card 370563 1410, 1414
image of card available AJTAlloy-diodes, type aas 370564 1410, 2821, 1401
image of card available AJW6.2k load card 370643 R-12 1311
  AJWEVoltage Mode Trigger 3 (CM Gates) 371424 TV
  AJWFVoltage Mode Trigger 3 (VM Gates) 371423 TV
  AJWGVoltage Mode Trigger 3 (CM Gate, VM Gate) 371422 TV
  AJWHVoltage Mode Trigger 3 (VM Gate, CM Gate) 371421 TV
image of card available AJWJVoltage Mode Trigger 3 (CM Gate, Reset) 371420 TV
  AJWKVoltage Mode Trigger 3 (VM Gate, Reset) 371419 TV
  AJWLVoltage Mode Trigger 3 (CM Gate, VM Reset) 371418 TV
image of card available AKN and P Block Coupling Networks 371241 R 7030, 729V, 1414, 7070, 7090
  AKAAlloy-Current Source #2 370427 1401
image of card available AKBAlloy-Memory Thermal Switches 370425 THER 1401
image of card available AKCMemory Emitter Resistors 370426 R 1401
  AKSCable Resistor Card 160 Ohm 1W 372424
image of card available ALP Line Line Terminator 371243 DT 7090, 7070, 7030
  ALAPcp generator 370498 1410
  ALYAlloy-Current Source 370552 DP, IS 1620
  ALZAlloy - Pre Amp No. 1 Magentic Tape Mod IV 370680
image of card available AMN to P Converter (no loads) 371203 C 7090, 7070, 1401
  AMBOr circuit 370532 1410
  AMCClipper differentiate 370455 1410
  AMDLimiter amplifier 370466 1410
  AMEOverdriven amplifier 370465 1410
  AMHWrite driver 370495 1410
  AMJGate and buffer 370491 1410
  AMKCtrl-ss timing card number 6 370638 SS 1410
  AMMClutch amplifier 370617 1410
  AMNNull detector 370515 1410
  AMPVoltage generator 370492 1410
  AMWXN Line Driver 371208 DL 7090, 7070
image of card available AMZXN to P Converter (out-of-phase load) 371202 C 7090, 7070, 729II
image of card available AMZYN toP Converter (in-phase load) 371201 C 7090, 7070, 729II
image of card available AMZZN to P Converter (both loads) 371200 C 7090, 7070, 729II
  ANP to N Converter (no loads) 371212 C 7090, 7070
  ANN7106 Core Storage 370697 7040
  ANQ7106 Core Storage 370660 7040
  ANWXP Line Driver 371217 DL 7090, 7070
image of card available ANZXP to N Converter (out-of-phase load) 371211 C 7090, 7070, 729II
image of card available ANZYP to N Converter (in-phase load) 371210 C 7090, 7070
image of card available ANZZP to N Converter (both Loads) 371209 C 7090, 7070, 729II
  APAlloy - VM - CS Converter 371030 C 7030
  APEAlloy Converter (N Line to S Line) 370639 729V
image of card available APFAlloy Converter (P Line to S Line) 370640 729V
image of card available APGEcho Pulse Line Converter 370641 7030, 729V
image of card available APHAlloy Converter (S Line to P Line) 370642 729V
image of card available APM 370634
  APXDetent driver 370547 1410
image of card available APZAlloy - Pre Map No. 2 Magnetic Tape 370681
image of card available AQP to S Current Mode to Voltage Mode Converter 371031 C 7030, 7090, 729II
  AQNDj diode clamp 370690 D 2821
image of card available AQQGeneral delay circuit 370703 DLY 2821, 1401
image of card available AQUAlloy-Switch, Decoder Number 2 370833 SWD 1401
image of card available AQVAlloy-Driver, 2, 12V 370834 D 1401
image of card available AQWAlloy-Current Source #2 370835 DP 1401
image of card available AQXSense-Final Amplifier 370836 AM 1401
image of card available ARVoltage Mode Trigger 1 371034 TV 7090, 729II/V
image of card available ARA 370685
  ARDClipper amplifier 370670 1410
  ARKAlloy – Pre Amp No. 1 Magnetic Tape 370706 729V
  ARLAlloy – Pre Amp No. 2 Magnetic Tape 370707 729V
  ARUGain control #2 370673 1410
  ARWAlloy-Switch,Decoder 372122 SWD 1620
image of card available ARX
image of card available ASVoltage Mode Trigger 2 371035 TV
image of card available ASJ+12V Slave 370841 370, 1443
image of card available ASM 370844
  ASN6V and 12V Series Filter 3100 UF 370845
image of card available ASQAlloy clutch magnet dr. 372245 2821, 1443
  ASUSense Amplifier-Rectifier and Clipper 372285 AM 1401
image of card available ASX 372422
image of card available ASYOvervoltage, 6V 372423 360
image of card available AUCAlloy - Converter (N Line to S Line) 372160
image of card available AUDAlloy - Converter (S Line to N Line) 372161
  AUSWrite Current Balance 372266
  AVAlloy gated sample pulse driver no.1 371038 1410, 7030
  AW3,2-215 Microsecond Universal Single Shot 371039 SS 7090, 7030
image of card available AXAlloy – Timing Card #2, Single Shot 371040 SS 7030, 7090, 729II
image of card available AXASDTDL 4-2 way plus a wo/load 372197 +A 2821
  AXB2-2 way-load 372201 1443
image of card available AXC1-2 Way, 1-3 Way 2/Card (-A -O) 372202 2821, 1443
  AXG3-4 way-a-0 load 372206 2821, 1443
  AXH4-2 way, 1-3 way (-a, -o) 372207 -O, -A 1311, 2821
  AXK2-5 way-no load. 372209 -O, -A 2821, 1443
image of card available AXNSDTDL 3-2, -a-o 2/card w/o load 372212 -O, -A 2821, 1443
  AXP4-2 way,1-3 way (-a,-o) w/o load 372213 -O, -A 1311, 2821
  AXQSDTDL 4 - 3 way (-a,-0) w/load 372214 -O, -A 1311, 2821
image of card available AXRSDTDL 2-2 w plus a plus o w/load 372240 +O, +A 2821
  AXS2-2 plus a, plus o. no load 372241 +O, +A 2821, 1443
image of card available AXVComp emitter follower 372244 CEF 1311, 2821, 1443
  AXWSDTDL 4-3 way. -a-o wo/load 372236 -O, -A 1311, 2821
image of card available AXXPower latch a 372237 -O, DE, +A, -A 1311, 1443
  AXZSDTDL low speed trigger 372239 E, T 2821, 1443
image of card available AYA 372310
image of card available AYBSolenoid driver - basic input 372316 R, J 1311
  AYCAccess timing 372311 DLY, -A, -O, SS 1311
  AYD.75 us delay circuit 372305 DLY 1311
  AYEPhoto cell amplifier 372298 P 1311
  AYFSolenoid driver #1 372313 D 1311
  AYGSolenoid driver no.2 372314 D, DLY, LOAD 1311
  AYHSolenoid driver direct access 372315 DC 1311
  AYJDisk speed detector 372296 SD 1311
image of card available AYLLow level amplifier 372301 AM 1311
  AYMHigh level amplifier 372302 AM 1311
  AYNDetector and single shot 372303 PG 1311
  AYPWrite and erase safety 372308 S 1311
  AYQWrite driver 372309 D 1311
  AYSBase clipper 372297 C 1311
  AYUY - select #2 372318 Y 1311
  AYVFilter 372319 LC 1311
  AYWMGated Sample Pulse Driver 2 (CM, Collector Out) 371426 DSP
  AYWNGated Sample Pulse Driver 2 (VM, Collector Out) 371425 DSP 1410
  AYWPGated Sample Pulse Driver 2 (CM, 6v out) 371044 DSP
image of card available AYWQGated Sample Pulse Driver 2 (CM, 3v out) 371043 DSP
  AYWRGated Sample Pulse Driver 2 (VM, 6v out) 371042 DSP 1410
image of card available AYWSGated Sample Pulse Driver 2 (CM, 3v out) 371041 DSP 7090, 1410, 729II/V, 7030
  AYXSingle 2 Input XNOR 372388 1620
  AYYWrite driver gate & erase driver [ multi ] 372321 D, G 1311
  AYZBlocking circuit 372320 AGC 1311
image of card available AZA 372246
  AZBSDTDL-sdtrl-multiplex interface receiver 372255 LR 1311
  AZCSDTDL noninverting multiplex interface (twisted pair) driver 372256 NILD 1311
  AZEMultiplex interface terminating resistor 372258 TLT 1311
  AZFMultiplex interface terminating network 372259 TLT 1311
image of card available AZKSDTDL single shot 372275 SS 2821
32   BBW 7094
  BCBCapacitor - Coupling 372455 1402
image of card available BCQSolar Cell Sensor 372460 1402
  BCTAccess timing 372510 DLY, -A, SS 1311
  BCV 372399 29
32   BDS 7094
  BGWAW to N and W to P Integrators 371430 C 7090
  BGWBW to N and W to P Integrators 371429 C 7090
  BGWCW to N Integrators 371428 C 7090, 729II
  BGWDW to P Integrators 371427 C 7090, 729II
  BGYEAlloy – Integrator Positive Input Three P Lines 371459 C 7090
  BGZBAlloy – Integrator Positive Input Three N Lines 371460 C 7090
  BHAlloy – EOR Photosense 371431 7030, 7090, 729II
image of card available BJAlloy – Delay Line Lumped 371432 7090, 729II/V, 7030
image of card available BKVXAlloy – Driver, Three Relay and Light 371435 7090, 729II
  BKVYAlloy - Drivers, Three Prolay 371434 7090, 729II
image of card available BKVZAlloy – Driver, Prolay One Read Gate 371433 7090, 729II/V
image of card available BLANKBlank card
  BNAlloy – Load Point Photosenser 371438 AM 7030, 7090, 729II
  BPAlloy Delay Line Distributed 371439 7090, 7030
  BSAlloy – Neon Driver 371442 7090, 729II
  BVAlloy - Prolay Pulse (One Half) 371445 SS 7090, 7030, 729
image of card available BW 371446
image of card available C02
image of card available C904Blank card C904
image of card available C949Blank card C949
image of card available CACTRL Three-Way NPN Translating Circuits 371026 +A 7030, 1410, 1626
  CABCTRL-Inverters "N" Type Unloaded Collectors 371931 E, A, O 1620, 7030
image of card available CACCTDL + And Gate 371922 +MA 1401
image of card available CAM 370310
  CAUCtrl mup-15 370353 AL 1620, 1626
image of card available CBCTRL Three-Way PNP Translating Circuit 371027 -A 7030, 1410, 1626
  CBBCtrl-trigger schmitt-s line 370565 1410, 1414
  CBRRelay driver, 150 ma 370541 1410, 1414
  CBTSector head 370543 1410
  CBURelay driver latching 370545 1410
image of card available CBWCTRL-Emitter Followers,Low Current [Photo Diode Sensor-DE] 2115030 AM 1620
  CBZContact operate short 370711 1414
image of card available CCCtrl - inverters "p" type 371028 +O 1410, 7030
image of card available CDCtrl-inverters n type 371029 -O, E, A, O 1410, 7030, 729V, 1414, 1622, 1620, 1626
  CECTRL-Emitter Follower PNP 371032 DE 1622, 1620, 729II
image of card available CEADelay Line Lumped, 1 Usec 371944 1410, 1401
  CECCtrl sort compare 370059 1410
image of card available CEDStandard Cable Terminator 370145 1401
image of card available CEECTDL PNP-3 Way And Gate 370140 1401
image of card available CEGAmplifier 372447 1442
image of card available CEHCTDL-Inverter Latch NPN 370139 1401
  CEKCTDL PNP-Inverter Latch 370143 1410, 1401
image of card available CEMCTDL- “T” Line Latch 370357 1401
image of card available CEX1-3, 1-2 way -a-o w/load h.s. 372530 -O, -A 2821
image of card available CEY1-3, 1-2 way -a-o wo/load h.s. 372531 -O, -A 2821
image of card available CEYBCTRL-Emitter Follower PNP 371032 DE 1410, 7030, 1311, 1414, 7090, 1620, 729II/V
image of card available CEZ2-5 Way (-A-O) DLB Load or No Load H. S. 372525 R, -O, -A 2821
  CFPCTRL-VM Single Shot #1 372174
  CFSSDTL-2DBL 2(2W.A.) OR Ext. High Speed 372215
  CFTSDTDL-2DBL 2(2W-A) -OR Ext High Speed W/O Load 372216
  CFVSDTDL - 2 HS Latches 372218
  CFWSDTDL Inverter High Speed With Load 372219
image of card available CFYACtrl-emitter follower npn 371033 DE 7030, 7090, 1410, 729II
image of card available CGTwo-Way-AND (no loads) 371263 -A 7070, 1401
image of card available CGVVCTDL-Two Way “And” PNP One Load 371262 -A 7070, 1401
image of card available CGVWCTDL-Two Way “And” PNP Two Loads 371261 -A 7070, 1401
image of card available CGWWTwo-Way-AND (all loads) 371251 -A 7070, 1401
image of card available CHTwo-Way+AND (no loads) 371266 +A 7070, 1401
image of card available CHVVCTDL-Two Way “And” NPN One Load 371265 +A 7070, 1401
image of card available CHVWTwo-Way +AND (2 loads) 371264 +A 7070, 1401
image of card available CHWWTwo-Way+AND (all loads) 371252 +A 7070, 1401
image of card available CJThree-Way-AND (no loads) -A 1401, 7070
image of card available CJVUCTDL- 3-Way “And” PNP One Load 371267 -A 7070, 1401
image of card available CJWFCTDL- 3-Way “And” PNP No Loads 371268 1401
image of card available CJWVCTDL- 3-Way “And” PNP 371253 -A 7070, 1401
image of card available CJYCThree-Way-AND (2 loads) (Ext. In) 371071 -A 7070, 1401
image of card available CKCtdl 3 way and npn field replacement +A 1401, 7070
image of card available CKVUCtdl-3 way "and" npn one load 371269 +A 1410, 1414, 7070, 1401
image of card available CKWFCTDL- 3-Way “And” NPN No Loads 371270 1414, 1401
image of card available CKWVThree-Way +AND (2 loads) 371254 +A 7070, 1401
image of card available CKYCCTDL- 3-Way “And” NPN Extendable Inputs 371072 +A 7070, 1401
image of card available CLCtdl extender card field replacement 370979 1401
image of card available CLVQExtender and Limiter Card 371255 E 7070, 1401
image of card available CLVRCtdl extender card 371075 E 1410, 1414, 7070, 1401
image of card available CLVSExtender and Limiter Card 371074 E 7070, 1401
image of card available CLVTCTDL +P “Or” Extender Card 371073 E 7070, 1401
image of card available CMCTDL-Coupling Network 371256 R 1410, 7070, 1401
image of card available CNWTCtdl - emitter follower npn 371260 DE 7030, 1410, 7070, 1401
image of card available CNWUCTDL-Translate Block NPN 371258 C 7030, 7070, 1401
image of card available CPWTEmitter Follower PNP 371259 DE 7030, 1410, 7070, 1401
image of card available CPWUT to IT Converter 371257 C 7030, 7070, 1401
image of card available CQCtdl 1 way pnp field replacement 371273 C 7070, 1401
image of card available CQYGT to U Converter (1 load) 371278 C 7070, 1401
image of card available CQZTCTDL-One Way PNP 2 Loads Four on Card 371272 C 7070, 1401
image of card available CQZVCtdl-one way pnp 371271 C 1414, 7070, 1401
image of card available CRCTDL-One Way NPN No Loads Four on Card 371276 C 7070, 1401
image of card available CRYGU to T Converter (1 load) 371277 C 7070, 1401
image of card available CRZTU to T Converter (2 loads) 371275 C 7070, 1401
image of card available CRZVCTDL-One Way NPN Four 371274 C 1410, 1414, 7070, 1401
  CSN Type Line Driver 371520 DL 7070
  CTCtdl - npn line driver 371521 DL 1410, 7070, 7030
  CUCtdl - pnp line terminator 371518 DT 1410, 7070, 7030
  CVP Type Line Terminator 371519 DT 7070
image of card available CWCTDL-Trigger 371534 T 7030, 1410, 7070, 1401
image of card available CYCTDL-Power Inverter 371542 IP 1410, 7070, 1401
  CZCtrl -resistor-load 371617 R 1410, 7030
  D1PH 371997 7030
  D2XB 371982 7030
image of card available DABDTDL-And Gate 371924 -MA 1410, 1401
image of card available DACSDTRL-3 way inverter number 2 371951 1410, 1414, 729V
  DAM 371991 7030
  DAP 371993 7030
image of card available DARSDTRL-Driver,Low Power-IO Base Non-inverting 370082 DP, DE 1622, 1620, 7030
  DATSDTRL-Inverting,Heavy Power Driver 370172 DP 1620, 1622
  DAWSDTRL-inverter, 3 way, unloaded collectors 370083 E, A, O 1410, 1622, 1620, 1414
  DAXSDTRL - inverter, 2 way, unloaded collectors 370084 E, A, O 1410, 729V, 1311, 1414, 1622, 1620
image of card available DAZDiff Base-Oscillator, 240 KC S Line Gated 370127 1410, 1401
  DAZUTwo-Way AND, Type A (out-of- phase load) 371281 +A 7090, 7070
image of card available DAZWTwo-Way AND, Type A (both loads) 371280 +A 7090, 7070
  DAZXN to P Converter. Type A (out-of-Phase load) 371283 C 7090
  DAZZN to P Converter, Type A (both loads) 371282 C 7090
  DBN to P Converter, Type B (no loads) 372188 C 7090, 7040
  DBGDiff Base – Driver – Inhibit (Normally Off) #2 370323 7090
image of card available DBHDiff Base – X – Y Driver – Normally On 370330 7090
image of card available DBMDiff Base Z Driver 370116 7090, 7030
  DBTDiff Base-Oscillator 6.67MC Free Running (Crystal) 370354 7030
  DBUDrift logic driven dl 370384 IDL 1620
image of card available DBWDiff Base – Gate Matrix Switch Select #2 370331 7090
  DBXDrift - buffer sense amplifier 370261 1410, 1414
  DBYDTwo-Way AND, Type B (Ckt 1, both loads) (Ckt 2, in-phase load) 371359 +A 7090
image of card available DBZConverter-Diffused Base S P-Line to SDTRL, or SDTDL 370385 1410, 1401
  DBZPPlus Exclusive OR (no loads) 371291 +OE 7090
  DBZQPlus Exclusive OR (out-of-phase load) 371290 +OE 7090
  DBZRPlus Exclusive OR (in-phase load) 371289 +OE 7090
  DBZSPlus Exclusive OR (both loads) 371288 +OE 7090
  DBZTTwo-Way AND, Type B (no loads) 371287 +A 7090
image of card available DBZUTwo-Way AND, Type B (out-of phase load) 371286 +A 7090
image of card available DBZVTwo-Way AND, Type B (in-phase load) 371285 +A 7090
  DBZWTwo-Way AND, Type B (both loads) 371284 +A 7090
image of card available DBZXN to P Converter, Type B (out-of- phase load) 371294 C 7090
image of card available DBZYN to P Converter, Type B (in-phase load) 371293 C 7090, 7030
image of card available DBZZN to P Converter, Type B (both loads) 371292 C 7090
image of card available DCKConverter-Diffused Base N-Line to SDTRL or SDTDL 370468 1410, 1401
  DCZDiff Base Pulse Stretcher 370550 7030
image of card available DCZUTwo-Way OR, Type A (out-of-phase load) 371297 +O 7090
image of card available DCZWTwo-Way OR, Type A (both loads) 371296 +O 7090
  DCZXP to N Converter, Type A (out-of- phase load) 371299 C 7090
image of card available DCZZP to N Converter, Type A (both loads) 371298 C 7090
image of card available DDP to N Converter, Type B (no loads) 371311 C 7090
  DDYDDrift – Two Way Logic Block Type B NPN 371174 7090
  DDZPMinus Exclusive OR (no loads) 371307 -OE 7090
  DDZQMinus Exclusive OR (out-of-phase load) 371306 -OE 7090
  DDZRMinus Exclusive OR (in-phase load) 371305 -OE 7090
  DDZSMinus Exclusive OR (both loads) 371304 -OE 7090
  DDZTTwo-Way OR, Type B (no loads) 371303 +O 7090
image of card available DDZUTwo-Way OR, Type B (out-of-phase load) 371302 +O 7090
image of card available DDZVTwo-Way OR, Type B (in-phase load) 371301 +O 7090
image of card available DDZWTwo-Way OR, Type B (both loads) 371300 +O 7090
image of card available DDZXP to N Converter, Type B (out-of- phase load) 371310 C 7090
  DDZYP to N Converter, Type B (in-phase load) 371309 C 7090
image of card available DDZZP to N Converter, Type B (both Loads) 371308 C 7090
  DEASDTRL - indicator driver, 40 ma 371941 1410, 1414, 7030
image of card available DEBSDTRL Clamp (-6.85v) 371942 1410, 1414
  DEDSimplex interface driver 371987 DL, D 1410, 1311, 1414, 1622, 1620
image of card available DEESDTRL standard cable terminator gated 371988 DT 1620, 1622
image of card available DEFSDTDL-Four 2 Way N And Logic Blocks with Loads 370216 1410, 1311, 1443, 1401
image of card available DEGSDTDL-four 2 way n and logic blocks without loads 370217 -A 1410, 1311, 1401
image of card available DEHSDTDL three 3-way n and logic blocks with loads 370218 -A 1410, 1311
image of card available DEJSDTDL three 3-way n and logic blocks without loads 370219 -A 1410, 1311, 1401
  DEKSDTDL - two 5-way n and logic blocks with loads 370220 -A 1410, 1311
  DELSDTDL two 5-way n and logic blocks without. loads 370221 +O 1410, 1311
image of card available DEMSDTDL - trigger 370222 T 1410, 1311
image of card available DEN1-6 Way, 1-4 Way W/Load (-A) 372195 -A 2821, 1443
  DEP4-2 way plus and w/load 372196 +A 2821
  DEQSDTRL mup number 3 370212 IP 1410, 1620, 1414
  DERSDTRL mup number 4 370213 1410
  DESMup number 5 - . 370202 1410, 1620, 1414
  DETSDTRL mup number 6 370203 1410, 1414
  DEUMup number 6 without loads 370200 1410, 1414
image of card available DEVSDTRL mup number 7 370214 1410, 1620, 1414
image of card available DEWSDTRL mup number 8 370211 1410, 1620, 1414
image of card available DEXSDTRL mup number 9 370210 1410, 1414
  DEYSDTRL mup number 10 370208 T 1410, 1414, 7040
  DEYRN to P Terminator-Buffer-Converter (out-of-phase load) 371329 CBT 7090
  DEYSN to P Terminator-Buffer-Converter (both loads) 371328 CBT 7090
  DEYTN to P Buffer Converter (out-of- phase load) 371327 CB 7090
  DEYUN to P Buffer Converter (both loads) 371326 CB 7090
  DEYVFour-Way AND-Block Extender 371318 E 7090
image of card available DEYWTwo-Way AND-Block Extender 371325 E 7090
  DEYXThree-Way AND, Type B (no leads) 371324 +A 7090
image of card available DEYYThree-Way AND, Type B (out-of phase load) 371323 +A 7090
  DEYZThree-Way AND, Type B (in-phase load 371322 +A 7090
image of card available DEZSDTRL mup number 11 370207 T 1410, 1414, 7040
  DEZAThree-Way AND, Type B (both loads) 371321 +A 7090
image of card available DEZCThree-Way AND, Type A (out-of- phase load) 371320 +A 7090
image of card available DEZEThree-Way AND, Type A (both loads) 371319 +A 7090
  DEZFFour-Way AND, Type B (no loads) 371317 +A 7090
  DEZGFour-Way AND, Type B (out-of- phase load) 371316 +A 7090
  DEZHFour-Way AND, Type B (in-phase load) 371315 +A 7090
  DEZJFour-Way AND, Type B (both loads) 371314 +A 7090
  DEZLFour Way AND, Type A (out-of- phase load) 371313 +A 7090
  DEZNFour-Way AND, Type A (both Toads) 371312 +A 7090
  DFASDTRL MUP Number 12 370224 L 1410, 1622, 1620, 1414
  DFBSDTRL mup number 13 370206 1410, 1620, 1414
  DFCMup number 14 370205 1410, 1620, 1414
image of card available DFDSDTRL MUP Number 15 370204 AL 1410, 1620, 1414
image of card available DFESDTRL mup number 16 370201 1410, 1620, 1414
  DFFSDTRL mup number 17 370223 1410
  DFGSDTRL mup number 18 370209 1410, 1620, 1414
  DFHSDTRL high power non inverting driver 370233 1410, 1414
image of card available DFJTDL & TRL Load Card 370232 R 1410, 1311, 2821, 1414, 1443, 1401
  DFKSDTRL-driver low power non-inverting 370231 1410, 1414
  DFLSDTDL mup #2 370230 1410
  DFMSDTRL mup #1 370229 1410
  DFNSDTRL mup # 2 370227 1410, 1414
  DFPSDTRL mup number 20 370228 IP 1410, 1620, 1414
image of card available DFQSDTDL inverting power driver 370225 IP 1410, 1311, 2821, 1443, 1401
image of card available DFRSDTDL non-inverting power driver 370226 DP 1410, 1311, 2821, 1443, 1401
  DFSLow power inverter 370234 1410, 1414
  DFTSDTRL -. sdtdl - functional package no 1 370236 1410
  DFVDrift x-y driver 370238 1410
  DFWDrift z driver 370237 1410
  DFYDrift. power gate 370239 1410
  DFYRP to N Terminator-Buffer-Converter (out-of-phase load) 371348 CBT 7090
  DFYSP to N Terminator-Buffer-Converter (both leads) 371347 CBT 7090
  DFYTP to N Buffer Converter (out-of- phase load) 371346 CB 7090
image of card available DFYUP to N Buffer Converter (both loads) 371345 CB 7090
  DFYVFour-Way OR-Block Extender 371336 E 7090
  DFYWTwo-Way OR-Block Extender 371344 E 7090
  DFYXThree-Way OR, Type B (no loads) 371343 +O 7090
  DFYYThree-Way OR, Type B (out-of- phase load) 371342 +O 7090
image of card available DFYZThree-Way OR, Type B (in-phase load) 371341 +O 7090
  DFZSDTRL-standard cable terminator gtd 370241 1410, 1414
image of card available DFZAThree-Way OR, Type B (both loads) 371340 +O 7090
  DFZCThree-Way OR, Type A (out-of-phase load) 371338 +O 7090
image of card available DFZEThree-Way OR, Type A (both loads) 371337 +O 7090
  DFZFFour-Way OR, Type B (no loads) 371335 +O 7090
  DFZGFour-Way OR, Type B (out-of- phase Load) 371334 +O 7090
  DFZHFour-Way OR, Type B (in-phase Load) 371333 +O 7090
  DFZJFour-Way OR, Type B (both loads) 371332 +O 7090
  DFZLFour-Way OR, Type A (out-of-phase load) 371331 +O 7090
  DFZNFour-Way OR, Type A (both loads) 371330 +O 7090
  DGDrift Dot - OR Clamp NPN - PNP 371137 7090, 7030
  DGASDTRL - simplex interface terminator gated without loads 370242 DT 1410, 7040, 1311, 1414, 1620
  DGCSDTDL memory .150 mc delay line 370244 DLY 1311, 1410, 2821
  DGDSDTDL memory .280 usec delay line 370245 DLY 1311, 1410, 2821
  DGESDTDL memory .425 usec delay line 370246 DLY 1410
  DGFSDTDL memory .525 usec delay line 370247 DLY 1311, 2821
  DGGSDTDL memory 1.100 usec delay line 370248 DLY 1410
image of card available DGHSDTDL memory 1.2 usec delay line 370249 DLY 1311, 1410, 2821
  DGJSDTDL memory .200 usec delay line 370250 DLY 1410, 1311
  DGKDelay line tapped 370251 DLY 1410
  DGLSDTDL 1-10 way logic block 370253 -A 1410, 1311
  DGMMup no. i (modified) 370256 1410
  DGNSotrl cam integrator 370257 1410, 1414
image of card available DGPClock -And with Emitter Follower Driver 370343 1401
image of card available DGQCard asm tstr clk & with emit dr 370342 1401
  DGRSDTRL compensated logic inverter 370258 1410, 1414
image of card available DGSIndicator Driver 370347 1311, 1410, 2821, 1401
image of card available DGTSDTDL-2 Way Logic Block Low Speed with Loads 370380 1410, 1311, 2821, 1443, 1401
image of card available DGUSDTDL 2-way logic block low speed without loads 370379 1410, 1311, 2821, 1443, 1401
image of card available DGVSDTDL - 3-way logic block low speed with loads. 370378 1410, 1311, 2821, 1443, 1401
image of card available DGWSDTDL 3-way logic block low speed without loads 370377 1410, 1311, 2821, 1443, 1401
image of card available DGXSDTDL 5 way logic blck low sp w lds 370376 1410, 1311, 2821, 1443, 1401
image of card available DGYSDTDL 5 way logic blk low sp w/0 ld 370375 1410, 1311, 2821, 1443, 1401
image of card available DGZSDTDL 10 way log blk low sp w load 370373 1311, 1410, 2821, 1401
  DHN to P Line Terminator 371138 DT 7090, 7030
image of card available DHASDTDL 10-way logic block low speed without loads 370374 1410, 1311, 1401
image of card available DHBSDTDL inverter low speed with load 370348 1410, 1311, 2821, 1443, 1401
image of card available DHCSDTDL inverter low speed w/0 load 370372 1410, 1311, 2821, 1443, 1401
image of card available DHDSDTDL and SDTRL 3K Resistor Load 370371 1410, 1401
image of card available DHESDTRL - single shot 370262 SS 1410, 1311, 1414, 1443, 1401, 1626
image of card available DHFTrigger and driver 370350 T 1410, 7040, 1311, 2821, 1443, 1401
image of card available DHGSDTDL- R and W Reg Bit Pos 370351 1410, 1401
  DHHSDTDL-Double Level Logic Block #2A Low Speed, wo Loads 370358 1410, 1401
image of card available DHJMUP Number 4 370352 1410, 2821, 1443, 1401
image of card available DHKSDTDL-Latch with Gate Out 370349 1410, 1401
  DHLSDTDL modified double level logic block number 1 370265 1410
  DHMDrift sense amplifier 370264 1410
  DHNDrift strobe driver 370415 1410
  DHPSDTRL mup 21 370502 1410
image of card available DHQSDTRL high power non-inverting driver 370503 1410, 1414
  DHTSDTDL-H.S. Logic Inverter 372168 1311
  DHUSDTDL-h.s. logic inverter wo/l 372169 1311
  DHV1 - 6 way, 1 - 4 way w/o load (-a) 372123 1311, 2821, 1443
image of card available DHWSDTDL latch 3/card 372191 1311, 2821
  DHXBinary pullover trigger 372192 1311
  DHYSDTDL 1-8, 1-2 way -a wo/load 372193 1311, 2821
  DHZ1-8 way 1-2 way-load 372194 1311, 1443
image of card available DJP to N Line Terminator 371139 DT 7090, 7030
32 image of card available DJASwitch core matrix 373329 2821, 1443
32 image of card available DJBMemory array 373330 2821, 1443
32   DJDFile Program Skip 373336 1401
32   DJEFile Operation Decode 373333 1401
32   DJFLine Drivers 373335 1401
32 image of card available DJLSDTDL single shot hammer dr. 373354 2821
image of card available DJPL 370057
image of card available DKP to P Line Terminator 371140 DT 7090, 7030
image of card available DKAAlloy-Driver, Current 370443 1401
image of card available DKJSDTDL relay driver latching 372473 2821
image of card available DKM 372489
  DKQDifference amplifier 372496 2821
  DKRInhibit driver 372497 2821
  DKS1330 kc oscillator + shaper 372501 2821
  DKT1600 KC Oscillator and Shaper 372500 2821
  DKUSDTDL integrator 372508 2821
  DKWPower latch h.s. 372526 1311, 2821
image of card available DKX4-3 way (-a, -o) wo/load h.s. 372527 1311, 2821
  DKY1-6, 1-4 way -a wo/load h.s. 372528 1311, 2821
image of card available DKZ3-4 way -a-o wo/load h.s. 372529 2821
image of card available DLN to N Line Terminator 371141 DT 7090, 7030
  DLM7106 Core Storage 370659 7040
  DLP7106 Core Storage 370787 7040
  DLS7106 Core Storage 370662 7040
  DLT7106 Core Storage 370786 7040
  DLU7106 Core Storage 370657 7040
  DMM 370889 7040
image of card available DMNDDTL-DL4, Low Power Inverters 370890 1410, 7040
  DMPDdtl-sl4,low power inverters 370891 1410, 7040
  DMQDDTL 1-6 Way NL-1-2 Way NL 2 Lds 390 OHM 372125 1410, 7040
  DMRSl3, low power inverters 370892 1410, 7040
  DMSDDTL-SL2, Low Power Inverters 370893 1410, 7040
  DMTDDTL-SL 5, Low Power Inverters 370894 1410, 7040
  DMU-SL 1, Low Power Inverters 370895 1410, 7040
  DMV 370896 7040
  DMXDDTL-DL 2, Low Power Inverters 370897 1410, 7040
  DMYDDTL-DL 3, Low Power Inverters 370898 1410, 7040
  DMYPP to P Power Driver (4-10 Bases) 371350 DP 7090, 7030
image of card available DMYQN to N Power Driver (4-10 Bases) 371349 DP 7090, 7030
  DNA7107 Core Storage 372103 7040
  DNB 372105 7040
  DNDDDTL-2-4 Way AIP No Load, 1-Inverter 390 Ohm Load 372127 1410, 7040
  DNF 372106 7040
  DNH 372137 7040
  DNJ7107 Core Storage 372164 7040
  DNK#7106 Core Storage 372163 7040
  DNL7107 Core Storage 372162 7040
  DNW 372156 7040
  DNY 372189 7040
  DNYFDrift – Power Driver N Line No Input Network 371353 7090
  DNYJP to P Power Driver (11-40 Bases) 371354 DP 7090
  DNYLN to N Power Driver (11-40 Bases) 371351 DP 7090
  DNZ 372261 7040
  DPA 372100 7040
  DPB-DL 10 Low Power Inverters 372124 1410, 7040
  DPC 372101 7040
image of card available DPDDDTL-DL7, Lower Power Inverter 372102 1410, 7040
  DPEDDTL-DL6,Low Power Inverters 372107 1410, 7040
  DPGDDTL-4-2-Way ANDS - No Loads 372108 1410, 7040
  DPHDDTL-3-3 Way ANDS - No Loads 372109 1410, 7040
  DPMDDTL-3-3 Way ORS-No Load 372139 1410
  DPP 372110 7040
  DPQDDTL-4-2 Way ANDS OR'ed-Detached 390 ohm Load Inverter 390 ohm Load 372111 1410, 7040
  DPR 372112 7040
  DPS 372113 7040
  DPT 372141 7040
  DPU 372114 7040
  DPV3-2 Way ANDs, 3 Way OR No Load, 2 Way AND No Load, 2 Loads 2-390 ohm Loads 372126 1410, 7040
  DPY 372116 7040
  DPYMDrift - 1 - 30 Base Extender NPN Bases 371358 ED 7030
  DPYNDrift - 1 - 30 Base Extender PNP Bases 371357 ED 7030
  DQPower Driver Input Clamp P Line 371145 L 7090, 7030
  DQA 372147 SS 7040
  DQB 372140 7040
  DQC 372142 7040
  DQD 372190 7040
  DQE 372144 PG 7040
  DQF 372152 DR 7040
  DQJLine Driver 372150 D 7040
  DQM 372143 7040
  DQN 372151 DR 7040
  DQP 372145 7040
  DQR7106/7107 Core Storage 372138 7040
image of card available DQS 372155 TB 7040
  DQT 372148 7040
  DQUDriver Terminator 372146 DT 7040
  DQX 372181 7040
  DRPower Driver Input Clamp N Line 371146 L 7090, 7030
  DSDrift - Two Line Drivers NPN - PNP 371447 7090, 7030
  DVEDDrift PNP-Third Level Logic Number 19 371718 7030
  DXA7106 Core Storage 372233 7040
  DXFHEmit Follower Pwr Drv, N Line In, P Line Out 370556 7030
image of card available DYD 372350
  DYV460 KC XTAL OSC 372340
  DYWSDTRL-460 KC Gated Oscillator 372339
  DZ3rd Level “P” Power Driver Clamp L.B. Mode 371383 7030
image of card available DZASense Amplifier-Rectifier and Clipper 372359 1401
  EAMinus N Line Indicator 371363 DI 7090, 7030
  EBPlus P Line Indicator 371364 DI 7090
image of card available EBGTester 372965 360
  EC3rd Level “N” Power Driver Clamp L.B. Mode 371381 7030
  ED3rd Level “N” Power Driver Input Clamp D.L. Mode 371376 7090, 7030
image of card available EDA12V regulator 374546 2415
image of card available EDQ 374590
32 image of card available EDT 374200
image of card available EDU 374598
image of card available EDY 374624
image of card available EDZ6 volt amplifier card for mps 374621 2821
  EEMemory - 400 mu Sec Delay Line 371160 7090, 7030
  EFN to N Line Driver 371171 DL 7090, 7030
  EGP to P Line Driver 371375 DL 7090, 7030
image of card available EGG 374806
image of card available EGN 374793
  EHN Line Single Shot (no loads) 371369 SS 7090, 7070
image of card available EHH 374622
  EHVKN Line Single Shot (both loads) 371368 SS 7090, 7070, 7030
  EHVLN Line Single Shot (in-phase load) 371367 SS 7090, 7070, 7030
  EHVMN Line Single Shot (out-of-phase load) 371366 SS 7090, 7070, 7030
image of card available EHW 374661
image of card available EHX 374668
  EJP Line Single Shot (no loads) 371374 SS 7090, 7070
image of card available EJB 374715
  EJPAddress Register 374708
  EJVKP Line Single Shot (both loads) 371373 SS 7090, 7070, 7030
  EJVLP Line Single Shot (in-phase load) 371372 SS 7090, 7070, 7030
  EJVMP Line Single Shot (out-of-phase load) 371371 SS 7090, 7070, 7030
  EKDrift-Networks-Pulse Forming; 0.4 uSec, 1 uSec 371360 PEN 7090, 7030
image of card available EKYAmplifier, 6V 374871 360
image of card available EMEAmplifier, 3V 374873 360
image of card available ENMemory - 200 mu Sec Delay Line 371166 7090, 7030
image of card available ENQ 374906
  EPDrift-Delay Line #1 (2N'S IP) . 1u Sec 371172 DLY 7090, 7030
image of card available EQH 374744
image of card available ES
image of card available ES6
32 image of card available ESC 374215
image of card available ESGSpd-current drive 374907 2821
  ESXIndicator driver 374924 2821
  ETAlloy – Oscillator 240 KC – Clamped 371401 7090
image of card available ETT 374868
image of card available ETY 374413
  EUAlloy – Oscillator 360 KC – Clamped 371402 7090
image of card available EUF 374695
  EVAlloy – Oscillator 1 MC – Clamped 371403 7090
  EVSIndicator driver 374710 1443
image of card available EWZ 374158
image of card available EXBPower Supply 374826 360
image of card available EXD 374851
32 image of card available EXH 374207
32 image of card available EXQ 374212
image of card available EXX 374893
  EYDrift-Driver, Resistor 371199 R 7030, 1410, 1401
  EZDrift - Fuse Card 371185 7030
image of card available EZD 374588
image of card available EZH 374619
32 image of card available EZK 374203
  EZLDriver, Brush 374682 1402
  EZMDriver, Integrator 374683 1402
  EZNResistor Card 372468 1402
32 image of card available EZS 374201
image of card available EZV 374537
32 image of card available EZW 374539
32 image of card available EZX 374205
  FAFree Running Crystal Oscillator (1000KC) 371406 Osc 7090, 7030
image of card available FAB 374435
image of card available FAC 374462
image of card available FAE 374458
image of card available FAV 373533
image of card available FBR 374983
  FCAlloy Sense Amplifier, Peak Detector Amplifier and Clamp Integrator 371408 7090, 7030
image of card available FCM 374994
  FDAlloy - Sense Amplifier, Pulse Shaper, Clipper and Driver 371409 7090, 7030
32 image of card available FDG 374237
image of card available FEF 375042
image of card available FFNegative Binary Trigger Card 1 371411 -TB 7090, 7030
image of card available FFHPrint 375105 29
image of card available FFJArc Suppression 375106
  FFKEncode 375107 29
  FGPositive Binary Trigger Card 2 371414 +TB 7090, 7030
image of card available FGQ 374470
32 image of card available FGU 374236
  FHAlloy – Binary Trigger, P Type – Card #One 371413 +TB 7090, 7030
image of card available FHA 375018
32 image of card available FHL 373494
image of card available FHW 375151
image of card available FJNegative Binary Trigger Card 2 371412 -TB 7090, 7030
image of card available FJB 375060
image of card available FKFree Running Crystal Oscillator (64KC) 371416 Osc 7030
  FLAlloy-switch, decoder 371396 SWD 1620
image of card available FLLArc Suppression 375233 29
image of card available FMAlloy-Driver,Current 371397 D 1620
image of card available FMLPower Supply 375161 360
image of card available FNE 375085
image of card available FNF 375086
image of card available FNM 374950
image of card available FPAlloy-Load Resistor – 40.2Ω 2W 371453 R 1410, 1414, 1622, 1401, 1620
image of card available FPH 375093
image of card available FPN 375131
image of card available FPZStacker rate limiter 375157 2821
  FQAlloy-Current Source 371454 DP 1620
image of card available FQJ 375200
image of card available FQQ 375206
image of card available FQS 375202
image of card available FRFRoland Lundvall 375186 361459, 361429
  FRHStd intf line rec + gated line drvr 375188 2821
  FRNSelect-out sequence card 375193 2821
  FSFree Running Crystal Oscillator (240KC) 371404 Osc 7090
image of card available FTAlloy-Oscillator 360KC Free Running (Crystal) 371405 Osc 7030, 7090, 1401
  FUCoil Driver Gate and Reset Driver 371616 D 7090
32   FVResistors 541694 R 7030
32 image of card available FVSModem 373543
32 image of card available FVWModem 373548
image of card available FWAlloy switches 371490 1410, 1414, 1401
image of card available FWF 374486
image of card available FWL 375047
32 image of card available FWS 373046
  FXMagnetic Core Shift Register 371506 SR 1 7070
32 image of card available FXR 373797
  FYMagnetic Core Shift Register Extender 371507 SR 2 7070
image of card available FYW 374990
  FZMagnetic Core Shift Register 371508 SR 3 7070
image of card available FZD 374436
image of card available FZM 375048
image of card available FZQ 374441
image of card available FZR 374442
  GAMagnetic Core Shift Register Extender 371509 SR 4 7070
  GBCapacitor Storage 371505 CS 7070
  GCCurrent Mode 4-N Indicator Driver 371050 DI 7030
  GDFree Running Crystal Oscillator (125KC) 371455 Osc 7030
  GEFree Running Crystal Oscillator (500KC) 371456 Osc
  GFBias Load and Coupling Networks 371538 R 7070
  GGCapacitor Sense Amplifier and Driver 371503 CSAD 7070
  GHTwo of Five Validity Check Circuit 371504 VCK 7070
image of card available GJGeneral Purpose Filter Card 371501 FILT 1410, 1311, 7070, 1401
image of card available GKCable Decouple Card 371533 CAP 1410, 7070, 1401
  GLVGInverter Core Driver 371536 DC 7070
  GLVHEmitter Follower Core Driver 371537 DC 7070
  GLVJRelay Driver 371535 DR 7070
  GMInput Output Core Card No. 1 371532 RDB 7070
  GNWord Size Buffer Core 371523 WSB 7070
  GPW to U Line Converter 371502 C 7070
  GQCore Buffer Integrator 371515 C 7070
  GRAlloy-indicator driver 15 ma 371528 DI 1410, 7070, 7030
  GSDrum Write Driver 371524 D 7070
  GTDrum Sense Shaper 371525 DS 7070
  GUDrum Sense Amplifier 371526 AM
  GVVariable Gated Oscillator 371531 OSC 7070
image of card available GVV
  GWConverter (1) U to X Level (2) X to U Level 371522 C 7070
  GXMagnetic Core Bit Insert Driver 371514 DC 7070
  GYMagnetic Core Read-Out Driver 371511 D 7070
  GZMagnetic Core Read-In Driver 371510 D 7070
  HAVECore Mode B to N Converter 371516 C 7070
  HAVFCore Mode to CTDL Converter 371513 C 7070
  HBCapacitor Sense Amplifier (no loads) 371561 AM 7070, 1401
  HBVVCapacitor Sense Amplifier (1 load) 371560 AM 7070
  HBVWCapacitor Sense Amplifier (2 loads) 371559 AM 7070
  HBWWCapacitor Sense Amplifier (3 loads) 371500 AM 7070, 1401
  HCSync Line Driver 371527 DL 7070
  HDSync Line Terminator 371540 DT 7070
  HECurrent Mode to CTDL Power Inverter 371541 IP 7070
  HFMagnetic Core Read-Out Control Driver 371512 D 7070
image of card available HFQ 372565
image of card available HFS 372567
  HFTSDTDL hs trigger 372575 2821
image of card available HFX 372571
image of card available HFYModem 372826
  HGDigit Read-In Driver 371517 D 7070
32 image of card available HGARow Bit 373373 2821
32 image of card available HGBModem 373807
32 image of card available HGCModem 373808
  HHTape Core Sense Amplifier 371529 AM
32 image of card available HHC 373035
  HJCore Adder Driver 371530 D 7070
image of card available HJS
  HKIntegrator Load Card 371543 R 7070, 7030
  HLAlloy - Timing Card No. 3, Single Shot 371481 SS 7090, 7030
image of card available HNAlloy-drivers read write vm 371463 1414, 1401
  HPAlloy-Drivers - Read Write CM 371451 D 7030
  HQRing Delay Network 371544 DLY 7070
  HRCurrent Mode, Coil Driver Latch 371620 D 7090
image of card available HSCurrent Mode, Coil Driver Power Inverter 371498 IP 7090
image of card available HWAlloy-Indicators, Lamp, VM 371048 DI 7030, 1410, 729V
image of card available HXCurrent Mode, Minus N Line Indicator 371049 DI 7090, 7030
  HYCapacitor Storage 371548 CS 7070
  HZCapacitor Storage 371549 CS 7070
image of card available IBM353Jumper card 348542
image of card available JBCtrl-oscillator, 10 kc free running (crystal) 371245 1410, 1401
image of card available JC 371477
  JDCtrl-inverters pwr-pnp wo input cap 371478 1410, 1414
  JDZK 371479 1410
  JEALine rec-slt to nand,nand to slt 374791 2821
image of card available JEBVoltage sequencing card 374792 2821
32 image of card available JEC 374206
  JEMBinary pullover trigger 376810 1311
  JENSDTDL trigger and driver 374811 1311
image of card available JFCm hi speed 1 way pnp fld replace 371579 C 7070, 1401
image of card available JFVAT to U Converter (1 load) 371578 C 7070, 1401
image of card available JFVNCTDL-High Speed One Way PNP Two Loads 371577 C 7070, 1401
image of card available JFVPCTDL-High Speed One Way PNP All Loads 371576 C 7070, 1401
image of card available JGTwo-Way -AND (no loads) 371583 -A 7070, 1401
  JGQInquiry mercury relay 375357 1410
image of card available JGVVCTDL-High Speed - Two Way “And” PNP One Load 371582 -A 7070, 1401
image of card available JGVWTwo-Way -AND (2 loads) 371581 -A 7070, 1401
image of card available JGWWTwo-Way -AND (3 loads) 371580 -A 7070, 1401
  JHCTDL-High Speed 3-Way “And” No Loads 371586 -A 7070, 1401
image of card available JHE 375386
image of card available JHF 375387
image of card available JHJ 375390
image of card available JHVUCTDL-High Speed Three Way “And” PNP One Load 371585 -A 7070, 1401
  JHWVThree-Way -AND (2 loads) 371584 -A 7070, 1401
  JJCTDL-High Speed One Way NPN No Loads 371590 C 7070, 1401
  JJVAU to T Converter (I load) 371589 C 7070, 1401
image of card available JJVNCTDL-High Speed One Way NPN Two Loads 371588 C 7070, 1401
image of card available JJVPCTDL-High Speed One Way NPN All Loads 371587 C 7070, 1401
image of card available JKN 375122
image of card available JL
image of card available JLVBCtdl logic inverter pnp all loads 371077 I 1410, 7030, 1414, 7070, 1401
image of card available JMVBCTDL-Logic Inverter NPN All Loads 371079 I 1410, 7030, 1414, 7070, 1401
image of card available JNCTDL-Trigger Gate Extender 371081 E 7070, 1401
image of card available JNM 375528
image of card available JPB 375545
image of card available JZCTDL-Trigger No 2 371082 T 7070, 1401
image of card available KAHigh Current Indicator Driver 371546 DI 1410, 7070, 1401
  KBCurrent Mode to CTDL Power Inverter 371558 IP 7070
  KDCore Shift Register (Significant Digit Detection) 371563 SR5 7070
  KECurrent Mode P and N Driver 371547 D 7070
image of card available KGAlloy - Drivers, Read-Write VM #2 371795 DC 1410, 1414, 7030, 7040
  KHCTDL Delay Circuit 371564 DLY 7070
  KJCTDL Delay Circuit 371565 DLY 7070
  KKCTDL Delay Circuit 371566 DLY 7070
  KLCTDL Delay Circuit 371567 DLY 7070
  KMCTDL Delay Circuit 371568 DLY 7070
  KNCTDL Delay Circuit 371569 DLY 7070
  KPCTDL Delay Circuit 371570 DLY 7070
  KQConverter W to T Line 371545 C 7070
  KRFree Running Crystal Oscillator (720KC) 371457 Osc
image of card available KSCurrent Mode, P to P Line Driver 371476 DL 7090, 7070
  KTCurrent Mode, N to N Line Driver 371480 DL 7090, 7070
  KUOscillator – Free Running 20 KC 371458 OSC 7090
  KWCore Driver 371483 DC
  KXPower Gate 371484 G
  KZMatrix Switch Driver 371482 D
  LCAlloy-Resistor Card, 35.8 ohm 3 Watt 371099 7030
  LDAlloy, Timer-Magnetic 371485 DP 7030
  LESync Power Driver 371572 DP 7070
image of card available LFAlloy-diodes, counter input 371474 1410
  LHFree Running Crystal Oscillator (667KC) 371626 Osc 7090
  LJAlloy – Delay Line .4 u Sec Distributed #1 371614 DLY 7090
  LKAlloy - Delay Line .4 uSec Distributed #2 371615 DLY 7090, 7030
  LMAlloy-Drivers-Brush 371613 DB 7030
  LPAlloy-sense amplifier no 2 371452 1414
  LQAlloy – Driver, 48V, Light & Relay 371499 DR 7030, 7090, 729II
  LTSEAlloy integrator vm pos 371652 1410, 1414
  LUBus Discharge Card 371575 BD 7070
  LVAlloy, Diodes-Isolation 371395 DID 7030
  LYAlloy-Latch Indicator Reset 371664 DR 7030
image of card available LZAlloy – Head Driver and Echo Pulse Amplifier 371674 7090, 729II/V, 7030
image of card available MDDrivers, functional coil 371497 7030, 1410, 729V
  MECTDL - Drivers, Power - Latch - Non Latch 371496 DP 7030
image of card available MHCtrl - inverter, power - pnp 371487 I, A, O 1622, 1620, 729V, 1626
image of card available MMCtrl-ss timing card #4 371624 SS 1410, 1414, 7030
  MNSingle Shot Timing Card 5 371625 SS 1410, 7030
  MPSingle Shot Timing Card 6 371638 SS 1410, 1414, 7030
  MQClamped Oscillator 371646 Osc
  MRCtrl-vm single shot #2 371623 SS 1410, 7030
image of card available MXCtrl-inverter "n" 2 way 371661 O, E, A, O 1410, 729V, 7040, 1311, 1414, 1622, 1620, 1626
  MYCTDL-Single Shot and Strobe Gen 371657 SS 7030
  NACTRL-Two of Three Inverters "N" 371663 1410
image of card available NBCTDL Single Shot Trigger (T Input) 371591 SS 1410, 7070, 1401
image of card available NCCTDL Single Shot Trigger (U Input) 371592 SS 1410, 7030, 1414, 7070, 1401
  NDCTDL Universal Delay 371573 DLY
image of card available NGTFCTDL-Integrator – U and – T 371635 1401
image of card available NGXXCTDL - Integrator _U and -T 371996 1410, 1414, 1401
  NHWUCTDL T to U Converter 371629 C
  NJWUCTDL U to T Converter 371630 C
  NKWTCTDL Emitter Follower PNP 371631 DE
  NLWTCTDL Emitter Follower NPN 371632 DE
image of card available NMCTRL Integrator Diode Input - Neg 371666 729V
  NNCtdl-sense amplifier buffer 371678 AM/R 1410, 7030, 1414, 1622, 1620
  NPCTRL-Driver,Relay Thyratron V.M. 371684 DP 1620
  NSAlloy sense amp stage 2 371670 1414
image of card available NTAlloy Difference Amplifier 371671 7030, 1410, 1414, 1401
image of card available NUCTDL Power Inverter NPN 371676 IP 1410, 1401
image of card available NWLoad resistor 371598 7030, 1443, 1401
  OUAlloy-Reference to Ground Power Supply 371658
  PFCtrl- drivers, vm, light or relay 371750 D 1620, 1622
  PGControl-Selector,Brake or Clutch 371777 SW 1620
image of card available PHCTRL-Emitter Followers,Low Current 371778 AM 1620
  PJControl-Drivers,Brake and Clutch 371779 D 1620
  PKControl-Lock Circuit- Photosense 371780 AM 1620
image of card available PPCtdl emitter follower-pnp 371365 7030, 1410, 1414, 1401
image of card available PQCTDL Emitter Follower - NPN 371370 1414, 1401
  PRCtrl-oscillator clamped number 2 371787 1410
  QBAlloy-Resistor Card, 31.2 ohm 10 Watt 371097 7030
image of card available QCAlloy-clutch magnetic driver 371633 1410, 1414, 1401
image of card available QDAllow-Relay Driver 371078 RD 1410, 7030, 7040, 1414, 1401
image of card available QG 371679 729V
image of card available QH 371680 729V
  QQGeneral Purpose Filter 371089 1410
  QSDrum Load Card 371574 R 7070
image of card available QT 371655 1401
image of card available QUAlloy reference to ground 371656 1622, 1620, 1414, 1401
  QXAlloy-Resistor Card, 32.2 ohm 3 Watt 371098 7030
  RCAlloy-switches 371392 1410
  RD122F N/O thermal card 371698
image of card available RE7106/7107 Core Storage 371699 THER 7040, 1311, 1414, 7090, 1622, 1620
  RFAlloy-Resistor Card, 37.4 Ohm, 3 Watt 371250 1410, 1414
image of card available RGAlloy “P” Line Terminator 371747 LT 7090, 7030
image of card available RKAlloy-Oscillator 347.5KC Free Running (Crystal) 371788 Osc 1401
image of card available RLAlloy – Line Terminator, “N” Type 371748 DT 7090
image of card available RMP1
  RN 371781 7030
image of card available RO
image of card available RPAlloy – Delay Line Distributed Number 371749 7090, 729II/V, 7030
  RQWCAlloy-Integrator #2-Negative Input Three N Lines 371450 C 7030
  RTFree Running Crystal Oscillator (75KC) 371785 Osc
image of card available S003 2163301
  SADrift-Core Driver, X-Y Fused 371197 DC 7090, 7030
image of card available SB 371198
32   SBA10ma Defl Level Setter 5300002 A/OLS 7090
32   SBBConvert Circuit CM→Defl 5300011 C 7090
32   SBCIndicator Driver (15ma) 5300020 ID 7090
32   SBD15ma Level Setter (Unclamped) 5300004 A/OLS 7090
32   SBEMemory Data Bus – Out 5300003 C 7090
32   SBFX-Y Address Decoding & Convert 5300009 A/OC 7090
32   SBGSwitch Gate Select & Convert 5300018 A/OEF/C 7090
32   SBHEmitter Follower #1 5300005 A/OEF 7090
32   SBJEmitter Follower #2 5300017 AOEF 7090
32   SBKEmitter Follower #3 5300015 A/OEF 7090
32   SBLEmitter Follower #4 5300010 AOEF 7090
32   SBMDelay Line Driver 5300008 DD 7090
32   SBNX-Y Read-Write Convert 5300006 AOC 7090
32   SBQ15ma Level Setter #2 5300013 A/OLS 7090
32   SBRTerminator Driver 5300001 DT 7090
32   SBSTerminator Driver 5300019 DT 7090
32   SBT3 Way EF & 3 Way A Level Setter 5300014 A/OFF/OLS 7090
32   SBUEmitter Follower #5 5300023 A/O/EF 7090
32   SBVStrobe Driver 5300016 SD 7090
32   SBWEmitter Follower #6 5300022 A/O/EF 7090
32 image of card available SBZAmplifier, Sense 5300007 SA 7090
  SEDrift-Exchange Sense Amplifier 371672 7030
  SFDrift-Core Driver, High Speed 371665 DC 7030
  SHDrift Oscillator 5.0 Mc Free Running (Crystal) 371186 OSC 7030
  SKUADrift-Load Card No.1 (2-N, 2-P) 371176 R 7030
  SKUBDrift-Load Card No.1 (4-P) 371177 R 7030
  SKUCDrift-Load Card No.1 (4-N) 371178 R 7030
  SLUDDrift-Load Card No.2 (4-N) 371179 R 7030
  SLUEDrift-Load Card No.2 (2-N, 2-P) 371180 R 7030
  SLUFDrift-Load Card No.2 (4-P) 371181 R 7030
  SQDQDrift - 3rd Level Logic “N” Type 370196 7030
image of card available SQGT 370120
  SQLNDrift - 3rd Level Logic “N” Type 370156 7030
image of card available SRDRDrift-3rd Level Logic, “P” Type 370197 7030
  SRDSDrift-3rd Level Logic, “P” Type 370198 7030
  SRNTDrift NPN - 3rd Level Logic 370280 7030
image of card available SS4 492285
  STZ7106 Core Storage 373102 7040
  SUDrift - Two PNP Translating Line Terminators 371189 7030
  SVDrift-Two NPN Translating Line Terminators 371190 7030
  SVR7106 Core Storage 373288 7040
  SWDrift-Two PNP Non-Translating Line Terminators 371191 7030
  SXDrift-Two NPN Non-Translating Line Terminators 371192 7030
  TAAConverter - Diff Base C.S. P-Line to SDTRL, V.M. Double Gated 370102 7030
image of card available TABSDTRL 93 ohm coax lire driver-dispersed loads 370066 DL 1311, 1410, 1620, 1401
  TADSDTRL-Converter to Diffused Base P-Line 370064 7030
  TAFSDTRL-Oscillator, One MC 370365 OSC 1410, 1620, 1414
image of card available TAGSDTRL-2 way inverter 370366 E, A, O 1311, 1620, 7030
  TAHSDTRL - 3 way inverter 370367 E, A, O 1311, 1620, 7030
  TAJSDTRL- trigger, binary 370364 TB 1620
  TAKSDTRL-Inverter, Power-PNP 370368 I 1620
  TALSDTRL-Generator, Sample Pulse 370370 DSP 1620
image of card available TAMDrift-binary trigger 370369 T 1410, 1414, 7040
  TARSDTRL-Exclusive "OR" 370105 V
  TASSDTRL - Exclusive "OR" (Pyramid) 370106 1410, 1414
image of card available TAUSDTRL-2 way inverter number 2 370129 1410, 1414, 729V
image of card available TAZ 370274
  TBASDTRL - 720 KC Oscillator 370267 7030
  TBC 371815 7030
  TBDSDTRL-Alloy Switch 370171 SW 1622, 1620, 7030
  TBESDTRL-Pulse Generator 370170 7030
  TBGSDTRL - oscillator, 320 kc s line gated 370296 1410, 1401
  TBNSDTRL Single Shot Variable 370291 SS 1410, 1414, 7030
  TBQSDTRL-Oscillator, 115 KC S Line Gated 370295 1410, 1401
image of card available TBRSDTRL - oscillator, 360 kc s line gated 370297 1410, 1401
image of card available TBSSDTRL-Oscillator, 667 KC S Line Gated 370298 1410, 1401
image of card available TBVSDTRL-Oscillator, 1 MC S Line Gated 370299 1410, 1401
  TCDrive Delay Line .1 to .5 mSec 100 Ohm 371621 DLY 7030, 7040
image of card available TCJSDTRL- Distributed Line Terminator 370333
  TCKSDTRL-end of line terminators 370334 1311, 1410, 1620, 1401
image of card available TCVSDTRL - 1.33 mc crystal oscillator 370259 1410
  TCZSDTRL-Modified MUP Number 12 370335 L 1311, 1620, 1622
  TDASDTRL-distributed line terminator 370359 TL 1620
  TDBSDTRL-distributed line terminator with optional load resistors 370389 1410, 1311, 1401
image of card available TDCSDTDL-sdtrl - 6.67 kc oscillator 370401 1410, 1401
image of card available TDDSDTDL-sdtrl - 115 kc oscillator 370400 1410, 1401
image of card available TDESDTDL-sdtrl-240 kc oscillator 370399 1410, 1401
  TDFSDTDL-sdtrl-320 kc oscillator 370398 1410, 1401
image of card available TDGSDTDL-SDTRL- 360 KC Oscillator 370397 1410, 1401
image of card available TDHSDTDL-SDTRL- 667 KC Oscillator 370396 1410, 1401
image of card available TDKOscillator imc 370551 1410, 1443, 1401
image of card available TDQ 370740
image of card available TDS 370741
image of card available TEC 370767
image of card available TEQ 370750
image of card available TEZ 370755
  TFDrift-Networks-Pulse Forming 0.2 uSec, 0.7 uSec 371188 DLY 7030
  TFCSDTRL-compensated low power inverter 370646 I, IP 1311, 1620
  TFGSDTRL Binary Trigger #2 370809 TB
  TFJSDTRL Crystal - Oscillator, 625 KC 370847
  TFKSDTRL-1.5mc crystal oscillator 370823 1410
  TFMSDTDL-sdtrl-960kc crystal oscillator 370818 1410, 1401
  TFQSDTRL_SDRDL-Phase Detector 370883
  TFRSDTL-SDTRL-1440KC Crystal Oscillator 372179 1410
  TFSSDTRL-oscillator 1.6 mc "s" line gated 372180 1410
  TFUSolar cell amplifier 370864 1443
  TFYSDTRL MUP Number 8A 370888 1410
  TGDrift – Oscillator 667 KC – Clamped 371196 OSC 7090
  TJDrift – Fixed Delay Line .1 uSec 371600 DLY 7090
  TKDrift – Fixed Delay Line .2 uSec 371601 DLY 7090
  TLDrift – Fixed Delay Line .55 uSec 371602 DLY 7090
  TMDrift-Fixed Delay Line .62 uSec 371603 DLY 7030
32   TMAPrint magnet hammer driver 373254 1443
  TNDrift-Fixed Delay Line .70 uSec 371604 DLY 7090, 7030
  TNCSDTRL - SDTRL - 2 MC Oscillator 372231 OSC
  TNLSDTRL-memory address register 372371 1410
  TPDrift-Fixed Delay Line .8 uSec 371605 DLY 7090, 7030
32   TPS 7094
32   TPU 7094
32   TPW 7094
32   TPX 7094
  TQDrift – Fixed Delay Line .92 uSec 371606 DLY 7090
  TRAN-12V Transformer 801578 1443
  TSDrift-Fixed Delay Line 1.42 uSec 371608 DLY 7090, 7030
  TTDrift-Fixed Delay Line 1.45 uSec 371609 DLY 7090, 7030
image of card available TTE 372709 7030
  TTNResistor Card, 30.0ohm 3 Watt 372322 R
  TTWModule select safety 372542 1311
  TTXSDTRL-Driver, Relay Thyratron 372550 DP
  TTYClocking logic 372544 1311
  TUA0.78 usec delay circuit 372547 1311
  TUB1.399 mc gated oscillator 372549 1311
  TUCDetector and single shot #2 372548 1311
  TUDDc trigger 372546 1311
  TUFLine failure detector 372579 1311
  TUGD. c. safety 372578 1311
  TUHY-select #1 372580 1311
  TUJPurge timer 372598 1311
  TUYPre-amp not mod i 372613 1311
  TVDrift-Fixed Delay Line 1.6 uSec 371611 DLY 7090, 7030
32   TVP 7094
  TXHLine Driver 372951
  TXJLine Terminator 372950
  TXU700kc gated oscillator 372039 1311
  TXWCDrift – Delay Line 10 mus 371619 DLY 7090
  TYDrift-Strobe Level 371448 SL 7090, 7030
  TZDrift-Delay Line (N or P) .1 uSec 371658 DLY 7030
  UADrift-Delay Line, 300 muSec 371386 DLY 7030
  UBDrift-Varable Delay Line, 20-105 muSec 371387 DLY 7090, 7030
  UCA7106/7107 Core Storage 373295 7040
  UCB 373301 7040
  UCC 373302 7040
  UCD 373303 7040
  UCE 373304 7040
  UCF 373296 7040
  UCG 373297 7040
  UCH 373298 7040
  UCK 373312 7040
  UCL 373299 7040
  UCM 373313 7040
  UCN 373350 7040
  UCP 373351 7040
  UCQ 373349 7040
  UDDrift-Variable Delay Line, 150-195 muSec 371389 DLY 7030
  UDMCapacitor Card DLY
  UDPPreamp gate #2 372075 1311
  UDV-A & S. S. 372983
  UDWGate Generator 372986
  UDXData Delay-B 372985
  UDYError Detector 373502
  UDZV.F.O. Ramp 373501
  UEDrift-Latch Indicator-Scanner Switch WO/L 371667 DIS 7030
  UFDrift-Latch Indicator-Scanner Switch W/L 371668 DIS 7030
32 image of card available UFD 373793
32 image of card available UFF 373798
32 image of card available UFG 374138
32 image of card available UFK 374143
image of card available UFL 374530
32 image of card available UFN 374531
image of card available UFQ 374533
  UGRSense amp dectector 372992 2821
image of card available UGTNon inverting simplex line driver 372976 2821
image of card available UGVAmplifier, 6V 372990 360
32 image of card available UGY 374133
image of card available UGZ 374536
  UHDrift-Dot OR Clamp “P” Line 371660 L 7030
32 image of card available UHH 373657
  UJDrift-Driver, Sample Pulse 371662 D 7090, 7030
image of card available UKDrift – Oscillator 2.75 MC Free Running (Crystal) 371677 OSC 7090
  ULQN 371770 7030
  UMQN 371772 7030
  UMQP 371771 7030
image of card available UNK UNK
32 image of card available UNK1Pre Amp
  UNQN 371774 7030
  UNQP 371773 7030
  UPQN 371776 7030
  UPQP 371775 7030
  UQUDDrift-Network, Pulse Switch Load 371390 R 7030
  UTPA 371903 7030
  UTPB 371904 7030
  UTPC 371905 7030
  UTRCDrift-Emitter Follower, 4 Way Extendable +OP Line 371753 7030
  UTRDDrift-Emitter Follower, 3 Way Extendable +OP Line 371754 7030
  UTREDrift-Emitter Follower, 2 Way and 2 Way Extender +OP Line 371755 7030
  UTRFDrift-Emitter Follower, 1 Way and 2 Way Extender +OP Line 371756 7030
32 image of card available UUL 373664
  UUPA 371906 7030
  UUPB 371907 7030
  UUPC 371908 7030
  UURCDrift-Emitter Follower, 4 Way Extendable +ON Line 371757 7030
  UURDDrift-Emitter Follower, 3 Way Extendable +ON Line 371758 7030
  UUREDrift-Emitter Follower 2 Way and 2 Way Extender +ON Line 371759 7030
  UURFDrift-Emitter Follower 1 Way and 2 Way Extender +ON Line 371760 7030
  UVPA 371909 7030
  UVPB 371910 7030
  UVPC 371911 7030
  UVRCDrift-Emitter Follower 4 Way Extendable +AP Line 371761 7030
  UVRD 371762 7030
  UVRE 371763 7030
  UVRF 371764 7030
  UWPA 371912 7030
  UWPB 371913 7030
  UWPC 371914 7030
  UX107F N/O thermal card 371696
  UY107F N/C thermal card 371697 7090, 7030
image of card available UZDrift - Core Driver, Z Fused #2 371339 DC 7030
  V7 372187 7040
  VARA 371798 7030
  VARB 371799 7030
  VB 371782 7030
  VESDTRL-2way inverter 371869 E, A, O 1620, 1622
  VFSDTRL-3 way inverter 371870 E, A, O 1620, 1622
  VGSDTRL-Oscillator, One MC 371868 OSC 1620, 1622
image of card available VJSDTRL- trigger, binary 371867 TB 1620, 1622
  VJG7106 Core Storage 373101 7040
  VLSDTRL-Generator, Sample Pulse 371874 DSP 1620
  VMSDTRL-Inverter, Power-PNP 371871 I 1620, 1622
  VQPD 371932 7030
  VQPE 371933 7030
  VQPF 371934 7030
  VRPE 371937 7030
  VSUNDiff Base, Exclusive OR, All Loads PNP 370076 7030
  VTUNDiff Base, Exclusive OR, All Loads NPN 370080 7030
image of card available VW 370094 7030
32 image of card available VZD 373768
image of card available WBAlloy Driver Relay 2.5 Amp 371880 729V
  WFAlloy-switch, decoder 371789 SWD 1620
image of card available WFS
image of card available WFS097Blank card WFS097
  WGAlloy-Driver,Current 371790 D 1620
  WHAlloy - Capacitor Card 371876 1410
  WJAlloy-Driver, 12V 371881 D 1620, 1622
image of card available WLAlloy-Sense Amplifiers No. 2 371898 7030, 1401
  WMAlloy-Sense Amplifiers, Single Shot 371882 AMP 1620
  WQ 371895 7030
  WTAlloy – Sense Amplifier Rectifier & Clipper 371896 7090
  WUAlloy – Sense Amplifier Read/Write Switches 371897 7090, 7030
image of card available WVAlloy sense amplifier stage 1 371885 1410, 1403, 7030
image of card available WWAlloy sense amp stage 2 371886 1410, 1403, 7030
image of card available WXAlloy-Amplifier, Pre Sense Number 1 371899 1401
  WYAlloy-Amplifier, Pre Sense No. 2 371900 AMP 1620
image of card available X03812Custom resistor card X03812
image of card available XAD 375345
image of card available XAG 375348
image of card available XAJ 375381
image of card available XAL 375382
image of card available XAM 375383
image of card available XAS 375452
image of card available XAV 375455
image of card available XAY 375465
image of card available XAZ 375467
image of card available XBB 375469
image of card available XCD 5300154
32 image of card available XNU 373783
32   XQSplit Level OR Blocks 548213 7030
32 image of card available XVY 372728
  Y3Jumper card addressing 370858 2821
  Y5Terminal Block Jumper Card 372234
32   YADiode Matrix 547880 7030
  YAAFuse card-1 amp 370093 1410, 1414, 7030
  YABMisc -12v to s line integrator 370095 1410, 1414, 7030
image of card available YAF 370182
  YARCf diode card 370321 DIODE CARD 1620, 1622
image of card available YAWA.C. Photo Amplifier 370452 729V
  YAXButterworth Filter 370416 1410
32   YBPulse Amp 548219 7030
image of card available YBJ 375478
image of card available YBYSense amplifier - input filter and select gate 370417 1410, 1401
image of card available YBZSense Amplifier-Rectifier and Clipper
32   YCLatch 548122 7030
image of card available YCASense Amplifier-Clipping Level Control 370419 1410, 1401
image of card available YCBSense Amplifier-Select Gate, Read Gate and Band Pass Ctrl 370420 1410, 1401
image of card available YCCPeak Detector, Integrator & V.M. Driver 370421 1410, 1401
  YCELoad resistor card, 1k, 1/2w 370449 1410, 1414
32 image of card available YCH 703444 7030
32   YDLatch 548125 7030
image of card available YDMSense Amplifier-Clipping Level Control
image of card available YEH 370758
  YELAgc voltage detector 370546 1410
  YETClutch amplifier #2 370544 1410
  YEUWrite Current Balance 370668 729V
image of card available YFB 2108594
image of card available YFH 2108591
  YFRInquiry reed relay 370521 1410, 1414
image of card available YGAOvervoltage Protection 6 Volt 370575 1414, 1401, 7040
image of card available YGBOvervoltage Protection 12 Volt 370576 OV 1620, 7040
  YGCOvervoltage Protection 36 Volt 370577 OV 1620
image of card available YGDOvervoltage Protection 30 Volt
  YGEPower supply 370579 7040
  YGF20 Volt Diff. Amplifier
  YGG30 volt diff. amplifier 370608 1410
  YGH36 Volt Diff Amplifier 370609 AM 1410, 1620
image of card available YGJ12 volt diff. amplifier 370610 AM 1410, 1620, 1622, 7040
  YGK20 Volt at 15 Amp Diff Amplifier 370611 AM 1622
  YGL6 Volt Diff Amplifier 370612 1410, 1414, 1401, 7040
image of card available YGMReference to -6 Volts 370613
  YGN30 Volt Diff Amplifier 370614 AM 1620
  YGQ3 Volt Marginal Check Diff Amplifier 370616
image of card available YHMResistor and Suppressor 370701 729V
image of card available YHR 2145071
image of card available YHT 2145073
  YJAAlloy-resistor card, 3 watt 370788 R 1620
  YJBAlloy-resistor card, 3 watt 370789 R 1620
  YJF+-12 VDC Regulator 348548 729V
  YJGSense Amplifier-Rectifier and Clipper #2 370825 1410
  YJKLoad resistor 370863 1443
  YKEY-select #1 372317 1311
  YKFSelection safety 372306 1311
  YKGPreamp mod i 372300 1311
  YKJWrite trigger (mm) 372304 1311
image of card available YKL 372312
  YKMZener supply 372307 1311
image of card available YKRInhibit circuit 372220 2821, 1443
image of card available YKSSDTDL - Address Register 372221 2821, 1443
image of card available YKTBias Load 372222 2821, 1443
image of card available YKUSet/reset-load 372223 2821, 1443
image of card available YKVInhibit Load 372224 2821, 1443
image of card available YKWVoltage regulator #2 372225 2821, 1443
  YKXVoltage Regulatro No. 3 372226 2821, 1443
image of card available YKYVoltage regulator + sense gate #1 372227 2821, 1443
  YKZSpd/current driver 372228 1443
image of card available YLASense amplifier 372229 2821, 1443
  YLBHigh Speed 2-Way AND 372291 1410
  YLCHi-Speed 2-way and Unloaded 372292
  YLDConverter ddtl to sdtrl unloaded 372287 1410
  YLEConverter ddtl to sdtrl 372288 1410
  YLFSDTRL-Hi-Speed 3 Way AND 372293 1410
  YLGSDTRL-hi -speed 3 way and unloaded. 372294 1410
  YLH3-Way Converter DDTL-SDTRL No Loads 372289 1410
  YLJ3-Way Converter DDTL-SDTRL 372290 1410
  YLKConverter sdtrl to ddtl 372262 1410
image of card available YMPDiode 372361 1443
  YMQIntegrater 372360 1443
  YNAMaster pre-amp gate 372612 1311
  YNEAnd invert single shot 372614 1311
  YNFY-select #1 372616 1311
  YNHLow level amplifier 372692 1311
  YNMLamp drivers 372696 1311
image of card available YNRBlocking circuit 372691 1311
  YNSMeter control #1 372690 1311
  YPMReed relay 372680 2821
image of card available YVAmplifier – Error Voltage, Negative 371921 A 7030, 7090, 729II
image of card available YWAmplifier – Error Voltage, Positive 371920 A 7030, 7090, 729II
image of card available YYSwitch, Airflow – 1/30 HP Blower 371751 THER 7090
  YYACore interface 372701 2821
  YYBEmitter gate follower 372702 2821
  YYCCapacitor cable card 372719 2821
32   YYDCore matrix card 373432 2821
image of card available YYNSDTDL/SDTRL - Standard Interface Terminator, Gated 372723 2821
32 image of card available YYS 373731
32 image of card available YYZ 373715
  YZSwitch, Airflow-1/8 HP Blower 371752 THER 7090, 7030
32 image of card available YZB 373765
32 image of card available YZC 373767
32 image of card available YZD 372739
32 image of card available YZE 372736
32 image of card available YZF 372739
image of card available YZY 372007
image of card available YZZ 372008
32   ZACard Assembly 547669 7090, 7030
32   ZB 547670 7030
32   ZC 547671 7030
32 image of card available ZCF 373775
32   ZDRegister Parallel Unit 547673 7030
32   ZEReg Ext & Gated Trans Line Output 547672 7030
32   ZG 547674 7030
  ZGAETA Convert 372427
image of card available ZGGSDTDL four 2 way n and log bcks w ld 372585 2821
image of card available ZGH4-2 way-no ld-h.s. 372586 2821, 1443
image of card available ZGJSDTDL 3 way n and log blk w/loads 372587 2821
image of card available ZGKSDTDL 3 way n and log blk w/o lds 372588 2821
image of card available ZGL2-5 way (-a) loads 372589 1311, 2821
image of card available ZGMSDTDL 2-5 way n and log blk w/o lds 372590 1311, 2821
  ZGNSDTDL one 10 way logic block 372591 1311, 2821
image of card available ZGPSDTDL logic inv. hs load 372592 1311, 2821
image of card available ZGQSDTDL logic inv. hs wo/load 372593 1311, 2821
image of card available ZGS-6V Amp 372595 1443
  ZGT12V Amp 372596 1443
  ZGULatch 3/card high speed 372603 1311
32   ZH12 Position Shifter 547675 7030
  ZHB4-2 Way ORS All Loads 372641
  ZHQ 7094
32   ZJ 547676 7030
  ZJA 7094
32 image of card available ZK 548165 7030
  ZKT720kc oscillator and shaper 372682 2821
image of card available ZKVETM Delay Circuit 372687 O-SS/R 7090, 1401
image of card available ZKWMeter 372689 1403
image of card available ZKZ 372610
32   ZLCarry Assimilation 548168 7030
32   ZM1st & 3rd Level Adder Carry Trans 548171 7030
32 image of card available ZNSense Amplifier 595454 7090, 7030
32   ZPCircuit Pkg Carry Transmission 548174 7030
32   ZQControl Trigger 547681 7030
image of card available ZQC 372010
32   ZRControl Stage (N-Type) 547682 7030
32   ZSControl Stage (P-Type) 547683 7030
32   ZTResidue Generator 547684 7030
32 image of card available ZTF 374152
32 image of card available ZTL 373760
image of card available ZTQ 374513
image of card available ZTR 374519
32 image of card available ZTZ 373771
32   ZUControl Triggers 547680 7030
image of card available ZUD12 volt amplifier card for mps 372085 2821, 2415
image of card available ZUNOvervoltage 372973 360
32   ZVMultiplicand gate 547686 7030
32 image of card available ZVF 373775
image of card available ZVO 372676
32 image of card available ZVP 373749
image of card available ZVROvervoltage, 3V 372677 360
32 image of card available ZVU 373783
32 image of card available ZVW 372726
32 image of card available ZVX 372727
32   ZWIndicator - Maint Console 547692 7090, 7030
32   ZXLatch or Trigger 547687 7030
image of card available ZXF 374524
32 image of card available ZXP 373788
32 image of card available ZXQ 373789
32 image of card available ZXR 373797
32 image of card available ZXS 373791
32 image of card available ZXU 375799
32 image of card available ZXV 374140
32 image of card available ZXW 374141
32   ZYAdder Input 547688 7030
32   ZZRegister 595010 7090, 7030
32 image of card available ZZD 373698
32 image of card available ZZP 373710
image of card available 671Coaxial connector card 671
image of card available 707Connector card 707
image of card available 748Connector card 748
image of card available 749Connector card 749
image of card available 777Coaxial connector card 777
image of card available 370669 370669
  37188880F airflow card 371888
  372584Amplifier unit 372584 1403
  372688Meter 372688 360, 1403, 2415, 7090, 370, 1626
  372827Modem 372827
  372874Overvoltage, 18V 372874 360
  372875Overvoltage, 6V 372875 360
  372876Overvoltage, 60V 372876 360
  372960Amplifier, 18V 372960 360
  372966Amplifier, 3/6V 372966 360
  372969Magnetic Amplifier 372969 360
  372970Amplifier, 60V 372970 360
  372972Amplifier, -6/-9V 372972 360
  372975Amplifier, 3/6V 372975 360
32   373485Modem 373485
32   373486Modem 373486
32   373487Modem 373487
32   373488Modem 373488
32   373489Modem 373489
32   373538Modem 373538
32   373544Modem 373544
32   373545Modem 373545
32   373546Modem 373546
32   373547Modem 373547
32   373549Modem 373549
32   373550Modem 373550
32   373551Modem 373551
image of card available 373966 373966
32 image of card available 374202 374202
32 image of card available 374204 374204
  37422375 Amp Converter 374223 360
32   374240Modem 374240
  374256 374256 29
  374627Meter 374627 1403
  374628Meter 374628 1403
  374722 374722
  374771Amplifier, 56V 374771 360
image of card available 374772Power Supply 374772 360
  37478575 Amp Converter 374785 360
  37478875 Amp Converter 374788 360
  374794Power Supply 374794 360
  374812Tstr 374812 360
image of card available 374864 374864
  374872Amplifier, 18V 374872 360
  374885Amplifier, 6V 374885 360
  374886Amplifier, 48V 374886 360
  374887Amplifier, 60V 374887 360
  374981Power Supply 374981 360
  37498275 Amp Converter 374982 360
  374989Tstr 374989 360
image of card available 375024 375024
  375038Modem 375038
  375061Modem 375061
  375135 375135 29
  375172Encode 375172 29
  375173Star Wheel Encode 375173 29
  375174Block Diode 375174 29
  375277Indicator Card Latch 375277
  37531675 Amp Converter 375316 360
  375385P/U Frame, 3135 processing unit 375385 370
image of card available 480712 480712
image of card available 484757Connector card 484757
image of card available 491349 491349
image of card available 556981Capacitor Card 556981
32   598399Magnetic Amplifier 598399 7030
  801577+12V Transformer 801577 1443
  801579-6V Transformer 801579 1443
  801599+12V DC Module 801599 1443
  801601-6V/-12V DC Module 801601 1443
image of card available 2108770 2108770
image of card available 2481207 2481207
image of card available 5103249 5103249
image of card available 5103789 5103789
  5405954Left Zero Register 5405954
  8016532Integrator Card 8016532

The information on these pages comes from a variety of sources, especially old IBM documents on, as well as information from the IBM 1401 restoration team, especially Tim Coslet's SMS data and Jim Hunt's data. Much of this information was obtained through OCR, so don't expect complete accuracy. These pages are not associated with IBM in any way.