This page describes the IBM SMS card "3JMX", and is part of the SMS card database.

Function of the card:
Ctdl pnp two way gate without collector load
CTDL PNP Two Way Gate Without Collector Load

Listed in 1401 SMS card usage

Complemented Transistor Diode Logic (CTDL) is IBM's term for a form of diode-transistor logic.

Part number: 370141

PCB number: 493335

Used in: IBM 1410, IBM 1401

Cap code: MX (details)

Symbol: 2-AO

IBM SMS card type 3JMX 370141 IBM SMS card type 3JMX 370141 IBM SMS card type 3JMX 370141 IBM SMS card type 3JMX 370141 IBM SMS card type 3JMX 370141

Image courtesy of Christoph Methfessel
Image courtesy of Randall Neff

References: 2_2 SMS Cards, p64
1410_SMS_VOL_1.pdf, p13
Coslet data
SMS Cap Code Templates & Index

The information on these pages comes from a variety of sources, especially old IBM documents on, as well as information from the IBM 1401 restoration team, especially Tim Coslet's SMS data and Jim Hunt's data. Much of this information was obtained through OCR, so don't expect complete accuracy. These pages are not associated with IBM in any way.